Sharp Type

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Victionary’s Type by Type interviews Sharp Type

In October 2019, Hong Kong based publishing studio, Victionary, published Type for Type: Custom Type Solutions for Identity Design. The book, both beautifully designed and thoughtfully written, features an interview with Sharp Type co-founders, Lucas and Chantra, recognizing their type foundry as one of the top five in the field today. 

We were humbled to talk about our creative process, reflect on our growth, share our visions for the future of Sharp Type and our perspective of the type industry at large. We discussed our ventures in designing for global audiences with projects like Samsung Sharp Sans and Doyle. We also shared our values around empowering and collaborating with young designers and women of color, put into action by our newly launched initiative The Malee Scholarship.  

Thank you, Victionary for inviting and interviewing us to be a part of this publication.


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